Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pyramids, Issues, and Orgies

      So, after seeing the blogs of a couple friends of mine, and various other forms of talking to random people on the interwebs, I decided a blog might be a good idea. I suppose, Matt, you can take credit for this if you want to.

    Anyways, I've been at school for 4 weeks now. I know this cause I go to Taco Bell every monday (It's a tradition with a rich history) and I save the cups so one day I can make a great pyramid... out of extra-large taco bell cups. Anyways, in that 4 weeks, I've meet tons of people. So many, that I can't remember almost any of their names. It's become an issue. I've joined an intermureal frisbee team full of people in my frisbee class, but I can't remember half the teams name. My goal by the end of this week is to figure out everyone's name. So hopefully, by next week, I'll be able to tell you everybody's name.

    In other news, classes are going well. Obviously, my favorite class is my frisbee class, but second to that is biology. The reason for this is because of the teacher. One day, while we're in class, I notice my sister (yes, my 5th year sister is the same class as me) had a little tally going in the corner of her notes. I asked her what it was about and she said she was keeping track of how many times our teacher said "issues." At the end of the 50 minute lecture, he had said it around 45 times. We thought that was an issue. We were sorely mistaken. This is because that night, i brought it up with my bio lab class. They said I should count how many times he says "alright" at the end of the sentence. So I tell my sister about it right before class. After that 50 minute lecture, he had said alright 402 times. It was astounding. And we thought issues was an issue. So I've been keeping track since then. He hasn't come close to 402 since that first time we counted. Since then, I've counted 350, 291, and 275. He is steadily decreasing. My hope is that he will say it 500 times in one day, but that dream is a long ways away.

     Dorm life is pretty interesting. I live in turner hall, which has been a rather interesting place so far. The most interesting thing was the orgy story. I should first explain that 3rd-5th floor in Turner is all guys. 6th-8th is all girls. I live on 3rd floor. And the most important thing to remember is that 4th floor is the party floor. So I have some friends who live on 7th floor, Felicia and Alecia. One late night, last weekend, apparently someone scattered a bunch of notes on the 7th floor that said...

"The biggest orgy of the year.
4th floor midnight
Condoms will be provided"

     I've heard rumors that one girl actually went to this, but I'm not here to spread rumors. Though I don't know who did this, or how he got caught, he was caught. According to my friends who live on 4th floor, Dallas and James, he has been evicted from the building, and in a final act of defiance, decided to make his room really messy for the people who had to clean it... What a rebel.

     Finally, I'd like to take moment to explain why I was listed as in a relationship last week on facebook. So I've sort become friends with this group from Kuna. (For those of you who don't know, I'm from Boise. So I know where Kuna is.) One of the people in this group is Joan. And her parents were in town. So I'm eating dinner with some of the people in this group and Joan walks in with her parents. Almost immediately, Amberlee tells me I should pretend like we're dating. Though reluctant at first, I decide to do. Something you should know about me, when I decide to do a joke, I commit to that joke. So after arguing with Joan for about ten minutes (right in front of her parents) about how I thought she loved me, I storm out of the room. I decide to head down to the basement (which is where the computers are) and get on facebook and change my status to "in a relationship." Right after that, I get a call from Amberlee telling me that I should make one last desperate attempt at winning Joan's heart in front of her parents. She and her parents are in her room on the 8th floor and I should go woo her. Being the committer I am, I head to my room, grab my ipod player, and head to the elevator. Coincidentally, everyone from the gang was in the elevator as I got in. So I get to the 8th floor. The door to her room is already open. And her and her parents are inside. So I set the ipod player right outside her door, turn on 1, 2, 3, 4 by the Plain White T's, and run to Amberlee's room (who happens to live right next door to Joan). So after the song is over, I head back to Joan's room, and I had this whole speech prepared about how this song expresses everything I feel for her, but as soon as I look inside her room, I see her dad, and he is staring right  back at me. Needless to say, I was terrified. So I grabbed the ipod player, and ran back to Amberlee's room, and didn't leave till I was sure he was gone from the building. Anyhow, that's the story of my latest "facebook relationship."

     So that's the most interesting things that have happened to me in the first few weeks. Though I'm sure to have plenty of stories to come. Monday is September 20th. Which is an important date to me. So that should be interesting. Glee starts on Tuesday. Definitely looking forward to that. And this week is homecoming week at ISU. So that means I should have lots of interesting stories about the people at ISU. My next post will probably be tomorrow. Cause I have 3 big homework assignments due by tuesday that I've been procrastinating. However, one of them is a paper about something that will always be close to my heart, that I want you guys to read. Spoiler Alert: It has something to do with the Kennedy Clan.

Anyways it's been fun.
From the basement of Turner where it's always 67 degrees, but it always feels way colder,
Tim Davis

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